war with ukraine

Putin, a long-time unseen guest of Kim
Both dictators possess a similar worldview and a shared desire to dismantle the global order.
Zelensky's peace and Putin's ultimatum
There is currently no sign of a breakthrough on the military front. The Russians and the Ukrainians are exhausted.
Is behaving like an ostrich with its head buried in the sand secure?
Politicians are not listening to historians or increasingly concerned experts.
Putin sends the economist to join the army and the Chekist to retire
It’s not a reduction in Sergei Shoigu and Nikolai Patrushev’s influence, but rather an effort to enhance the military capabilities.
How will Iran's attack on Israel affect Ukraine and Russia? There are several different options for possible scenarios
From a global war with the Axis of Evil to a regional incident – opinions on escalation in the Middle East.
The Holy War of Patriarch Kirill
Despite initial appearances, these are not the words of radical Islamists.
The road to Munich
Some Western politicians are calling for negotiations with Russia. The question is, how long would such a peace last?
The sum of all Dima's and Vova's anxieties
The speeches of Medvedev and Putin illustrate the state of their minds and plans for international politics.
Is Russia no longer the main threat to the West?
It is according to the recently presented annual report on global threats.
I am afraid of the Greeks
Vladimir Putin is ready for dialogue with the West about the war in Ukraine. Is that really the case?
If you want peace, prepare for war
In 1938, peace was saved in Munich for a year.
The year 2023 presented multiple challenges for Ukraine. The upcoming year may bring no improvements
The Ukrainian counteroffensive brought only minor results. There were problems with Western aid.