Putin, a long-time unseen guest of Kim
Both dictators possess a similar worldview and a shared desire to dismantle the global order.
Russia blocked several European media. Including the Polish website of Belsat
Spiegel, AFP, and Politico are included in the same list.
Zelensky's peace and Putin's ultimatum
There is currently no sign of a breakthrough on the military front. The Russians and the Ukrainians are exhausted.
Is behaving like an ostrich with its head buried in the sand secure?
Politicians are not listening to historians or increasingly concerned experts.
General Command: A soldier who was injured with a knife on the border with Belarus has passed away
“Matthew, our brother in Service, you have fulfilled the words of the oath. Rest in peace”
Gold for the “Vot Tak”
Belsat’s Russian-language project “Vot Tak” already has 1.5 million viewers on YouTube
The Balkans will not experience a new war
Russia aspires to open another front in Europe, but the West has numerous tools to maintain peace in the region.
The war trader
Belarusian companies are helping Russia modernize military equipment