
Mahiliou: Opposition politician, European Belarus activists, bloggers tried in camera
On May 12, Mahiliou regional court started hearing the cases of the European Belarus civil campaign activists (Yauhen Afnahel, Pavel Yukhnevich, Maksim Vinyarski, Andrey Voynich), blogger Zmitser Kazlou, web activist Iryna Shchasnaya, opposition politician Pavel Sevyarynets.
Pavel Latushka announces new protest in May
The democratic forces of Belarus are planning to hold a protest on Victory Day.
Brest bloggers Syarhei Pyatrukhin, Alyaksandr Kabanau get three-year jail terms
On April 14, Kastrychnitski district court of Mahilou completed hearing the case of Syarhei Pyatrukhin and Alyaksandr Kabanau, two bloggers and activists from the city of Brest.
How and why Russian agents poison opposition (ENG video)
“I know everyone who tried to kill me”, stated Alexei Navalny after publishing the investigation into his poisoners. But do we know the names of everyone the Kremlin has tried to poison? Investigations into opposition activist Alexei Navalny, spy Sergey Skripal, and civic activists from the North Caucasus are just the tip of the iceberg. Who have the FSB and their colleagues tried to poison, and how?
‘Belarusians expect West to be braver and stronger’. Tsikhanouskaya counts on tougher sanctions
The reaction of the international community to the political crisis in Belarus is very modest, opposition leader Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya said during the issue-related online discussion which was held by the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) on Wednesday.
Imprisoned opposition activist Maryia Kalesnikava: ‘We live in police state’
Maryia Kalesnikava, a member of the opposition Coordination Council and activist in might-have-been presidential candidate Viktar Babaryka’s election team, responded in writing to questions put by Der Spiegel, Current Time, and Dozhd.
Belarus opposition developing small business and civil society support framework
The Belarusian opposition intends to set up a special programme to render assistance to the country’s small business and civil society, Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya said on her Telegram channel.
Latushka announces creation of People's Anti-Crisis Administration
To start negotiations and achieve stability in the country during the transfer of power.
Coordination Council urges Belarusians to bring peaceful revolution to fruition
The Coordination Council of the opposition issued an appeal in connection with the brutal actions of the security forces on October 11 and 12.
Nobel laureate about leaving Belarus: ‘I would have been arrested sooner or later’
Prominent Belarusian writer Svetlana Alexievich is aware of her return’s involving risks, she told journalists in Sicily, where she was presented with the Taormina Award for Literary Excellence at Taobuk (the Taormina Books Festival).
Minsk court ruling keeps Maryia Kalesnikava behind bars
Maryia Kalesnikava, a member of the board of the opposition Coordination Council, will remain in custody, her defence lawyer Lyudmila Kazak said on Monday.
Thursday: 36 persons get jail terms, fines for taking part in peaceful protests
On September 10, Belarusian courts drew penalties upon 36 people for their participating in ‘unauthorised mass events’ that took place from August 27 to September 9, human rights centre Viasna reports. Over the past few weeks, the protesters’ cases have been heard every day.